Monday, September 14, 2009

I am 7,635 days old.

John Lancaster Spalding once said that "each forward step we take we leave some phantom of ourselves behind."

I'm finding that as time passes, I am recognizing the subtle differences in myself. I feel like a completely different person, now, then I was six months ago. I remember who I was, before; like a memory of an old friend. Sometimes I think about how I used to respond to situations and how I would respond to the very same, now. It's strange... for some reason I always thought that change was too subtle or gradual to be noticed by the one changing. Like when you haven't seen someone in a long time and they say how different you look but you don't notice the differences because you're too close... you're used to it.

I have more responsibilities now because of school and my work but I feel more in control. Emotionally, I feel lighter. I feel older. Grown. Much more mature than I was last year. And one thing I'm noticing about myself now that I am aware of these differences: I don't have much to say, anymore.

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