I’m purging. Not in the sense that I am expelling the contents of my stomach; I am overhauling my dwelling. I think it’s time. My room has been basically the same since I was about sixteen or seventeen. I heard somewhere that every five years you become a new person, thus, it is time for renovations.
The three biggest hurdles I must deal with are 1.) the sheer mass of my bed, 2.) my ridiculous amount of laundry, and 3.) all of my furniture is so heavy… I have a feeling I might get hurt. For those reasons, I am procrastinating. I even went so far as to create this blog. My reason for making it is not completely clear yet – even to me. If I had to give a reason, I would probably say that I am on some sort of journey towards self-discovery. It sounds cliché, I know, however, it’s true.
My 21st birthday is fast approaching and I finally feel older than I remember being. Does that make sense? I think that I might be finding my own kind of style or voice or something. At least I hope that I am.
I’ve been purging a lot, lately. I deleted my MySpace, then I deleted my other blog (it was really whiney and riddled with talk of my ex-boyfriend and I want to separate myself from that), and sometime tomorrow, I intent to delete my Facebook. I realize that I will probably eventually make a new one but for right now, I want to separate myself from that culture; the culture of checking people’s status updates to know what’s going on with them as opposed to just talking to them. I want people to know what’s happening in my life because they talked to me. I miss actual human interaction. This blog is more for my own benefit. I want to chronicle this strange disorganized and poorly planned journey of mine. I want this to be about me and how I am living and growing, not about whining and other people.
Well, I guess I should get back to cleaning. Once I make noticeable progress, I’ll photograph it and post. That’s another thing I want to start doing: taking pictures. Not anything impressive or professional; I just want to have actual things to look back on… visual memories. Look forward to them.
Final thought: What I find amusing and stupid is that there is no one reading this. Not a soul, apart from my own. However, I still write as if someone were reading it. Habit, I guess.
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