Saturday, January 23, 2010


How to say this without coming off as bitchy... Okay. In a way, I'm happy for you that you have found someone you can love and who loves you in return. That is fantastic. Good for you. I'm glad that you are happy. But beyond that very thin layer of glee is a genuine indifference. Honestly, I could not care less about the cute thing your boyfriend did or the adorable way your girlfriend laughs. It's meaningless to me.

As far as relationships go, I am only really mildly interested in the beginning wooing stage. I find that initial phase of attraction and timidness to be fascinating. Once a "couple" element is established, I couldn't be less interested. I'm not even really that happy for you that you're in a relationship because it's not really that earth shattering. I mean, again, I'm glad that you're happy but being in a relationship is not an accomplishment.

I am not in a relationship. However, if I wanted to, I could be in one pretty easily; I've had offers. I don't want to be in a relationship, though, just because I don't want to be alone or I want affection. All of my close friends are in a relationship, save one or two. I am constantly having coupled-om shoved in my face. People completely lose themselves in their partner and it's agonizing to be around, half the time. Some of my friends are married and that is acceptable to deal with. The wooing and matrimonial stages are about the only stages that peek my interest.

This whole little rant has been brought on because it seems like everyone I know is in a relationship and they won't stop talking about it. They don't even address or refer to their partners by name, anymore. It's all my girlfriend and my boyfriend. It's possessive and private and does not need to be plastered all over my Facebook news feed. This is no exaggeration: nearly every other post is someone gushing about their better half. I get it. People are excited and happy and this that and the other. Again, I am glad that you are happy. I guess my point is, being in a relationship is really only riveting to the people in it. I'm happy for you but not as happy as you are about it. With that being said, if I don't seem to care about what you have to say about your relationship, it's not that I don't care, it's just that I'm not interested. There's a difference.

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